Greensboro Woman's Club Mission
The mission of the Greensboro Woman's Club is to stimulate intellectual development, to promote leadership, unity and good fellowship among the women of Greensboro, and to strengthen, by organization, individual efforts to further the spiritual, civic, and social welfare of the community.
The GWC typically meets monthly at the Weir-Jordan House during the months of September through May. Throughout the club year we partner with other non-profits to serve the community in the following areas: Arts & Culture, Civic Engagement, Environment, Education & Libraries, and Health & Wellness. We do this through “hands on” volunteer service as well as with monetary and in-kind donations.
Some of our recent projects included work with the following organizations: Backpack Beginnings, Wreaths Across America, Out of the Garden Project, Greensboro Urban Ministry, Reconsidered Goods, Greensboro First Responders, Days For Girls, and Guilford County Schools. This work added up to over 2978 service hours and over $17,435 in monetary contributions and in-kind donations for 2023. Please refer to our Facebook page to learn more details about our projects, past and more recent.
Many of our projects have a social element to them, so we enjoy making friends and building relationships while serving the community. We also enjoy learning more about the non-profit groups we partner with and their mission. This knowledge gives us greater understanding of various segments of our population as we assist them.
An October 2019 article in the Greensboro News & Record celebrates our 110th anniversary and gives historic highlights of the impact the Greensboro Woman's Club has had in our community. A link to the article can be found here.