The Greensboro Woman's Club is an affiliate member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) and the GFWC of North Carolina (GFWC-NC).
Our club is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) which was founded in 1890. It is one of the world’s oldest non-denominational, nonpartisan, women’s volunteer service organizations. GFWC consists of international federations and associations in addition to the federations of the 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico.
GFWC has more than 6,500 local clubs in the United States and clubs in over 20 countries globally. Established in 1890, GFWC has over one million members worldwide. Their headquarters are in Washington, D.C.
On the state level, we are a member of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs which is composed of local clubs across the state. GFWC-NC is chartered as a non-profit corporation by the State of North Carolina. The state is divided into districts, each with its own officers, to serve as a liaison between state officers and chairmen and the local clubs. Greensboro Woman's Club is a member of GFWC-NC District 4 which is comprised of both Junior Clubs and Women's Clubs across the Piedmont region. With over 100 clubs and thousands of members throughout North Carolina, club women have been dedicated to Community Improvement through Volunteer Service since 1902.
Our affiliation with both the GFWC and GFWC-NC provides opportunities not available to an independent club. We are able to receive project ideas, encouragement, and gain knowledge and expertise from meetings and materials provided by our internal organization.